Academic Programs
IEB Curriculum
We recognize our obligation to offer the reputable international curriculum, IEB ISC which excellently prepare our students for universities and tertiary colleges in African countries and abroad.
IEB ISC is an internationally benchmarked qualification and is equivalent to Cambridge AS- level. .Cambridge International has two main assessments; IGCSE and AS/A Levels, with A levels as a choice for post matric. These curricula are acceptable in every major university in the World.
In the latter part of Grade 9, pupils are given the opportunity to choose their subject package that they will carry through to Grade 12. This process is assisted by the teachers who present their learning areas at a Subject Choice evening event at the school.
In grade 10, 11 and 12 – the school offers subjects that will lead to the International Secondary Certificate offered by the IEB-ISC
All packages must consist of seven subjects in accordance with university entrance requirements. Eighth subject is optional and at extra charge
- Mathematics, Natural Sciences, SiSwati
- French/Portuguse, English Language
- Economics & Management Sciences
- Social Studies (Geography & History)
- Computer Literacy, Food Technology
- Design Technology, Active Citizenry
- Life Sciences, Computer Sciences
- Consumer Sciences, Acoounting, Business Studies